Sunday, 9 October 2016


Ko tēnei te waiata hou mā Te Tikanga Rua Reo. Kei konei a Ngaru e whakaatu ana i tāna mahi hei ako i tēnei waiata hou. He whakamāramatanga hei te mutunga o te waiata.

Here is Te Tikanga Rua Reo’s new song. Here is Ngaru showing what she did to learn this new waiata. An explanation of the song is at the end of the song.


Nā ngā tauira ako reo i Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu 2010, nā Sheree Waitoa te raki

Ka haea te ata

Hāro ana te kāhu                                  

I te Parinui o Whiti
Rere tou rā                                    
ki Kā Pākihi Whakatekateka o Waitaha    
Ka poupou te rā ki ruka Aoraki            
Topa tou atu taku manu          
 ki Te Ara whenewhene a Kiwa


Ka ura te raki

Tau atu au ki Te Tai o Poutini                     
Ka tāepaepa kā waewae o te rā                 
Te whenua tapatapahia                            
E taku tipuna  Tahu Pōtiki                  
Ka tau, ka tau au ki konei e                         
Ka tau, ka tau au ki konei                    
Taku manu ka tau, tau ha e... I

Dawn breaks
The hawk soars over the north eastern boundary
and Parinui o Whiti (White Bluff; northern South Island)
Swoops on to the open plains of Canterbury (Te Pākihi Whakatekateka o Waitaha)
The sun reaches its zenith above majestic Aoraki
Soar on my bird
To the turbulent waters of Foveaux Strait (Te Ara whenewhene ā Kiwa)
The evening sky glow
I float on to the West Coast (Te Tai o Poutini)
The sun sets on the land claimed and named
By my ancestor Tahu Pōtiki
I settle, I rest here
Te whakamārama: This waiata takes us on a journey across the rohe pōtae of Ngāi Tahu. Commencing at the northern boundary, travelling across the plains, past Aoraki, down to the southern waters and then back up the western side of Te Waipounamu