Thursday, 1 September 2016

Wetewete Reo/Grammar

Ia Rāhina i te wā minenga ka whakaako a Whaea Maria i te wetewete reo hei aronga mā te wiki. Tirohia ā tātou tamariki e pupuri ana i ngā wāhanga o te rerenga kōrero mā te hunga mātakitaki e raupapa tika. Ko te aronga mā tēnei wiki, ko te ‘Ehara’, arā, Ehara tēnā i te raumamao.

Every Monday during minenga Whaea Maria teaches grammar points of the reo for us to focus on during the week. Here are our tamariki holding different parts of a sentence for other tamariki to put into the correct order. This weeks focus was on negating ‘That is not a remote control/Ehara tēnā i te raumamao’.