Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Calendar art

Today we finished our calendar art. We're just going to give you a sneaky peak of some but we are sure you will want to buy a calendar or notebook with our beautiful art on it.

We read the story Tangaroa's gift. It's about a paua who received a beautiful shell from the god of the sea.


Here is a link to a nice retelling made by a school in Nelson

Taonga and traditional symbols

In Tipu we have been talking about traditional symbols that are often used to make pounamu or bone taonga. We talked about matau, tiki, wera, koru, manaia, toku, pekapeka and pikorua symbols and their meanings. Children talked about the shapes of taonga that are special in their family and most chose to make one for themselves and a family member. 

We used Das air drying clay and after a few days of drying, very carefully painted them. The photographs Whaea Becky took will be a part of this year's calendar art.

Kowhai mahi toi

Today we talked about the beautiful kowhai in flower outside Tipu. We used paper to make a collage of the flowers, branches and leaves. Kereru and Tui love to eat the nectar.

He mahi toi ataahua!

Sunday, 11 September 2016


Tēnā koutou e te whānau
Kai runga noa atu ngā mahi katoa i tēnei rangi. 
I tēnei ata i ako i ngā tuakana ētahi 'kupu hono' (conjunctions - joining words). Anei ētahi:
engari - but
whai muri i tēnā - after that
kātahi ka - then
waihoki - also
nā te mea - because
i te mutunga iho - in the end

I te taha o Matua Mikaere i whakarite rātou he whakaari e hangai ana ki te pukapuka 'Te Mokai a Timi'. Kei whea mai o rātou kaha ki te whakaatu o rātou pūkenga katoa, miharo!

I ako i ngā teina tētahi waiata hou otira he waiata tawhito hoki. 'Hutia te rito' te waiata, ā, ko te tangi ko Old Langzin

kui Stephanie

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Yoga time

Today Room 1 and Mrs Sutherland joined Tipu until lunchtime. We did a yoga session based on the frozen movie. It was fun! Here are some photos and a link to the yoga routine.

Sunday, 4 September 2016

School photos this Thursday

Kia ora Whanau

School photos will be taken on Thursday. Tamariki need to wear clean, correct uniform
 ( no polar fleeces for the photo please)

Becky and Bridget

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Cultural Festival 2016

Here are a few photos of the night. We were so incredibly proud of the tamariki and they way they represented our school. 

We are currently working on a  way to (securely) share the photos taken on the night with you- watch this space : )


Wetewete Reo/Grammar

Ia Rāhina i te wā minenga ka whakaako a Whaea Maria i te wetewete reo hei aronga mā te wiki. Tirohia ā tātou tamariki e pupuri ana i ngā wāhanga o te rerenga kōrero mā te hunga mātakitaki e raupapa tika. Ko te aronga mā tēnei wiki, ko te ‘Ehara’, arā, Ehara tēnā i te raumamao.

Every Monday during minenga Whaea Maria teaches grammar points of the reo for us to focus on during the week. Here are our tamariki holding different parts of a sentence for other tamariki to put into the correct order. This weeks focus was on negating ‘That is not a remote control/Ehara tēnā i te raumamao’.