Sunday, 21 August 2016

E ngā iwi haka

I know graphics aren't perfect. Will try to sort this. In the meantime it will have to do.

E ngā iwi - Video with actions.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

Tipu Poetry Competition

Congrats to Jesse ( yr1) and Phoenix ( Yr2) who are the winners of the Tipu poetry competition.

They will be in the yr1/2 poetry competition final next Tuesday at 9.10 in Room 4.

Congrats also goes to Sadie and Dallas who came second. They will fill in for either of the winners if they are away next week.

Bird feeders

We made bird feeders for a pre- writing experience . We liked watching to see if the birds would eat from our feeders.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

Porowhita taumāhekeheke

Last week we dressed up in our school house colours of  kowhai, whereo, kakariki and kahurangi. The teachers wore black and we made an Olympic symbol and cheered for those representing New Zealand.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016


Last week for art Tipu drew taniwha. Here are some of our drawings, please come into Tipu and see them all!

Our poem for the week was a song called ' One Day a Taniwha'. We had fun with an online version of the song that lets you put in different faces. Check out Azarlia's video here!

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Poi for kapa haka

Ana hī!

Ana Hī! was especially written to support the New Zealand Olympic Team as they go for gold at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games.


E oho e te motu ki te karanga a ō tātau toa e 
Let our nation arise to the call of our champions

Kia puta ai te ihi, te wana ki te ao 
So the whole world can see

Ākina atu ai ō tātau hautipua 
We support our sporting idols

Aotearoa maranga mai! 
Arise New Zealand!

Ana Hī! Ana Hī! Ana hī hā! 
Give it your all!

Ana Hī! Ana Hī! Ana hī hā! 
Give it your all!

Ana Hī! Ana Hī! Ana hī hā! 
Give it your all!

Aotearoa maranga mai! 
Arise New Zealand!

Kia kotahi ngā iwi, 
Let all of our people unite

kotahi whenua kia manawa tahi e 
One nation one heart

Kia haruru atu ai te reo ki te ao 
Let our love and support be heard right around the world

Kei reira kei a koutou te arohanui e 
We’re right there with you all the way

Aotearoa maranga mai! 
Arise New Zealand!

Ana Hī! Ana Hī! Ana hī hā! 
Give it your all!

Ana Hī! Ana Hī! Ana hī hā! 
Give it your all!

Ana Hī! Ana Hī! Ana hī hā! 
Give it your all!

Aotearoa maranga mai! 
Arise New Zealand!
Follow the link below to purchase a copy of the waiata on iTunes.

Kapa haka songs

Parakitihi, parakitihi, parakitihi!

Practise, practise, practise!

He Honore

He honore, He Kororia

Maungarongo ki te whenua

Whakaaro Pai ki nga tangata katoa
Ake a Ake, Ake a Ake


Te Atua Te piringa

Toku Oranga x2


E te iwi, me tupato tātou i ngā rori.

Me pēhea rā, me pēhea rā!
/Te whakawhititanga mō te rori eee
Me tu mai koe ki te ara huanui
Kia oho, kia mataara
Tirotiro ki te taha mauī
Kōaro ki te taha matau
He taonga tātou ee / HI

kia tupato tātou ki te whakawhiti I te rori e…
Auraka ki te oma, auraka rūrūwai, me hikoi tātou
Kia kore tātou I pērā I te pikaokao
Tae pai atu
He taonga koe
He taonga au
He taonga tātou e / HI

E tama, e hine!
E tama, e hine, e tamariki mā
Me pēhea rā te whakawhiti I te rori? HI
Pīkaokao HA

He konei rā

La la la la la la la la la x2
La la la la la x2

Hei konei rā
Kia koutou katoa
Ka kite rā
E aku rangatira
Hei konei rā

Anei mātou te kura o Hato Opani
E mihi kau ana e

Anei te kura
O Hato Opani
E mihi kau ana e
E Te Mahuri e Hei!


Manutiria, Manuwerohia

Ki te poho o te raka

Ka tau rērere

Ka tau mai i te ruhi , e tau e koia


Koia Ko Tararauriki

Ki mai i maui e hara i te whitu

me te waru e e tau e koia


Te Rina Pōmare

Te Rina
Te Rina Pōmare
Taku Heitiki e
Taku nei raukura

Whakarongo mai
Ki tō pakiwaitara
Kei raro kei runga kia mau (HI!)
E rere taku poi

Auē hā
Auē hei hā
Taku poi porotiti e

Hei hā hei hā

Tenei te ruru

Tahu Potiki
Maraka Maraka
Tahu Potiki
Maraka Maraka
Tenei te ruru e KouKou nei kihae

Mawhiti whiti , Kihae, Maraka raka
Te Upoko nui o te ruru Te Rekou
Hepo, Hepo, He Ao Ka Awatea x2


  • Ko Te Reo Māori
Puritia ki te uma
Hei hotu i te manawa
Hei mōwai i te ngutu
Pikoko ka whangangā
Ko Te Reo ko taku mana
/ Mana hiki nuku
/ Mana hiki rangi
  • Ko Te Reo Māori

Ākina, HI!

E nga iwi o te motu nei

E nga iwi o te motu nei

Mau ake ki te reo

Hei waka kawea mō te ao Māori

Ki te kore tātou e kōrero

Ka ngaro ko te reo

Ona tikanga,  tōna wairua

Tōku māoritanga e

Tuesday, 9 August 2016


Kōrero Māori
Ia wiki ka akona e TTRR ētahi kōrero hei whakaritea te wiki i runga i te tika. Anei ētahi mā koutou mō te kāinga:
Each week TTRR learn new phrases to set them up for the week. Here are a few you may like to try that have also been modified for home use:

Horahia te/ngā tēpu
Set the table/s
Whakawātea te/ngā tēpu
Clear the table/s
Whakapaipai te whare/akomanga
Tidy the house/classroom

Tirohia ngā pikitia a ēnei pia:

Ki tā Jesse ‘He arewhana huruhuru tēnei/This is a hairy elephant’.
Ki tā Tomasi ‘He kurī pai tēnei/This is a good dog’
Ki tā Azarlia ‘He mango āniwaniwa tēnei/This is a rainbow coloured shark’.
Ki tā Eli 'He whai uria tēnei'/ This is a colourful stingray'.
Ki tā Kieran  'He mokoweri hoahoa tēnei'/ This is a friendly dinosaur'. 
Ki tā Mikaere 'He tītā omaoma'/ This is a fast cheetah'.
Ki tā Pheonix ' He makimaki manaaki tēnei'/ This is a friendly monkey'.
Ki tā Dallas ' He taika taemaha tēnei' / This is a colourful tiger'.

Whaea Maria and Whaea Becky

Sunday, 7 August 2016

Principal Awards

I' m sure there was much celebration in the Campbell household last weekend- both sisters won a Principal's award, tu meke!

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Discovery today

Look at the ship Dallas, Pheonix, Tamati and Eli built together during Discovery showing great whanaungatanga. 

Ka pai boys!

Monday, 1 August 2016

Te Reo in action

Nau mai, haere mai e ngā whānau ki te mātakitaki i ngā tamariki e whakangāhau ana ia Rāhina hei te 2:30. 

Kei konei a Matua Mikaere e tautoko ana i tāna roopu reo ki te mahi whakaari ‘He āporo mā Hōiho’.

Welcome whānau every Monday at 2:30 to watch te reo in action. Here’s Matua Mikaere supporting his group to perform the play ‘He āporo mā Hōiho’

Nā Whaea Marie